lunedì, dicembre 11, 2006


Nel mio girovagare per il web a caccia di regali per portatori sani di tanghite ,ho trovato un artista che fa degli acquerelli molto belli sul tango e l'eros. Possono anche essere acquistati online.Se vi interessa clikkate qui.


A proposito di Natale e regali. Ho letto nel post sulla tanghite che , ovviamente , anche i regali ad un vero appassionato devono essere inerenti al tango! Così ho pensato di fare una ricerca sul web per vedere cosa ci fosse in giro. Morale della favola? Se non si ha un portafoglio a bandoneon è impossibile...a meno che il tanghero in questione non si accontenti di una semplice t.shirt o tappetino del mouse con una stampa a tema ,date un'occhiata qui .

Anche l'occhio vuole la sua parte

Eccovi una serie di link utili a tutte coloro che volessero arricchire il proprio guardaroba "tanghero".

No secret here, I have many
pairs of Robin's shoes! The site has recently been redesigned with some new styles, too!

Tosca specializes in salsa dancewear and even has some awesome tango dresses. Everything is made to MOVE!

Find Tosca only online or at salsa conferences!

When you place an order,
tell them Erica sent you - Don't Forget!

Loads of shoes - even these
snazzy pink ones - and
videos for dancers!

Tango-licious fashions for Argentine tango dancers. Off the rack to custom-made.

Susana from Buenos Aires
has a website now... in English & Spanish

You can place orders via email!

The site has lots of photos of different styles of shoes... hours of daydreaming fun!

Sophisticated tango fashions from top designers reflecting a passion for tango. Find cocktail dresses, evening wear, and casual tango wear!

The site owner is incredibly helpful and will find exactly what you want in a flash.

Working directly with the designer is a breeze. She is friendly and has great ideas
to personalize your outfit.

The famous shoe store in Buenos Aires has a site in Spanish.

No ordering, just browsing and dreaming...

Trendy inexpensive jewelry.
Fast delivery. Fun site. Updated often!

I get more comments on my jewelry from All the Rage than the stuff that actually COST some money. Tango Jewelry Jackpot!

A wonderful place to shop - guaranteed to have tango style all over the place!

You don't have to shop online, just look for their locations all over Chicagoland.

Looking for dance sneakers for practice?

I had great luck with this company. Fast delivery and a good selection of styles and sizes - including men's.

Rampage can really be a source
for dresses that holler "Tango!"

You can shop online or at the store. Rampage has stores scattered throughout Chicago.

Often the stores have a more diverse selection than the website, too.

A site geared to swing dancers, but worth a look for accessories like Cuban-heeled hose, toe-less hose, seamed stockings, etc.

And you MUST check out their INNERWEAR page for funky retro things. Too much fun!

ShoeMecca! Enough said. The website often has a larger selection than the store.

The shoes on the right are from Kenneth Cole. And luckily, they have a leather sole!

From Buenos Aires, in Spanish
and English

If anyone places an order for this site, please email us and let us know about shipping times and customer service.

Of course you can shop
in person or online!

This is a fun Laundry by Shelli Segal chiffon top with cool strappy ribbons around it.

Ballroom dance shoes and Chrisanne Dancewear for the social or professional dancer. They carry Supadance, International and Freed of London dance shoes.

Rosa - German dressmaker for
tango fashions. Customized clothing for tangueras.

You can pick the top of the
dress and the bottom of the
dress, endless options!

Métempsycose Isabel Camps Laredo Montoneri Gianluca Leone MicMac Giannicola Manuela Anania Sergio La Pigna

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