sabato, febbraio 17, 2007

Walter Cardozo y Margarita Klurfan - video

Prima esibizione di Walter Cardozo y Margarita Klurfan al CUS giorno 28/01/07.

Si ringrazia Denis per il video

Julio Balmaceda e Corina De La Rosa

"Possiamo dire che Julio Balmaceda e Corina De La Rosa sono tra le coppie di tango più eleganti al mondo e la migliore coppia di vals. Ballano insieme dal 1996 e nel tempo hanno creato uno stile unico nell’attuale scenario del tango, coniugando in modo eccellente le nuove tendenze con la tradizionale eleganza del tango salón. Combinano fluidità, sottigliezza, eleganza e dinamica con un’ineguagliabile interpretazione della musica. Estremamente apprezzati anche per il loro metodo di insegnamento appassionato e divertente, preciso e capace di trasmettere l’essenza della loro tecnica e del tango."


Buenos Aires Tango Festival, organizad by the Culture Department
of the City Government.
Participated as Instructors, Dancers and Jury in the Tango Salón Metropolitan Championship.
‘Corazoneando’, a tribute to Pugliese, together with Roberto Alvarez’s Color Tango Orchestra at Regio theatre.
C.I.T.A 2004
All year scheduled with tours in Europe and USA with shows and classes.

Buenos Aires Tango Festival, organized by the Culture
Department of the City Government.
Participated as Instructors and Dancers
C.I.T.A 2003
Tango Saraza, Tango dance show, in which they took part as choreographers and dancers
Performances in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Various festivals and workshops in Switzerland, Europe, Asia and USA

Tangowoche, Tango festival in Zurich, Switzerland. Dictated Seminars.
Tango crash courses directed to tango professionals in Switzerland.
International tango Festival, in Berlin, Germany.
Tango Fireworks. Los Angeles, USA.
C.I.T.A 2002, Bs. As.

Tokyo Tango Week, Tokyo, Japan.
Tangofollies, Loussane, Switzerland.
Tango Fireworks. Los Angeles, USA.

Carnegie Hall of new York, in tribute to Astor Piazzolla.
Second International Congress CITA 2000 in Bs.As.
Oster Tango, tango festival in Basel, Switzerland
Blue Tango Festival, Ravenna, Italy.
Santa Fe Tango Reatrate 2000, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
Bergen Tango Festival, Norway
Las Vegas Tango Festival, Las Vegas, USA
Workshops in the cities of Los Angeles, Denver, Washington, Philadelphia, Boston and New York.
Workshops in Denmark, Italy, Switzerland and The Netherlands.

Zurich International Festival (Switzerland)
Tango festival in Sitches, Barcelona, Spain.
Workshops in USA and Europe (Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Italy)

For eight months were part of ‘Forever Tango’ company, giving shows in Broadway (N.Y) and on tour around USA and Mexico.
Evening at Pop’s, TV special made in the city of Boston with Boston Pop’s and Forever Tango orchestra.
Second Tango meeting with the masters, Madrid, España.
Tango Ball Festival, Basel, Switzerland.
Workshops in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), Switzerland, Austria and Torino (Italy). Los Angeles and New York.

They are part of ‘Nueva Compañía Tangueros’ directed by María Quiara Michelly, going on tours in thirteen cities in Italy as solo Couple with Color Tango Orchestra.
First give classes in the cities of Graz (Austria), London (England), Amsterdam and Groninguen (Netherlands) and Hamburg (Germany).
Choreography and show for the tango exhibition in Buenos Aires, at Palais de Glass.

They come out as dancing couple and open their tango school in Buenos Aires.


Métempsycose Isabel Camps Laredo Montoneri Gianluca Leone MicMac Giannicola Manuela Anania Sergio La Pigna

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